So I've been in somewhat of a twilight zone lately, being sick with something or other for the past few weeks and spending most of my time meanwhile watching LOST from the beginning. I'm now 6 episodes into season 3 and I am beyond addicted. I've had many freakout moments and I have many, many questions. But I'll save my LOST talk for my LOST friends when we can freak out and ask questions in person, as we now tend to spend a great deal of time doing. While I'm all depressed and holed up in the winter, watching LOST is great for filling the time, and every time that Mamas and Papas song comes on, it just wipes all my troubles away. Listen and smile.
Nobody can tell ya;
There's only one song worth singin'.
They may try and sell ya,
'cause it hangs them up
to see somone like you.
But you've gotta make your own kind of music
sing your own special song,
make your own kind of music even if nobody
else sing along.
So if you cannot take my hand,
and if you must be goin',
I will understand.
You're gonna be knowing
the loneliest kind of lonely.
It may be rough goin',
just to do your thing's
the hardest thing to do.
But you've gotta make your own kind of music
sing your own special song,
make your own kind of music even if nobody
else sings along.
So if you cannot take my hand,
and if you must be goin',
I will understand.
You gotta make your own kind of music
sing your own special song,
make your own kind of music even if nobody
else sings along.
Thinking positively towards the future, I've been spending my non-LOST sick time making sure many awesome things are planned for the near future. Julia just planned the most kickass bday weekend ever for me by securing Disco Biscuits tickets and Phillies tickets for the weekend of April 17th. A few days after that, Ratatat with Olivia. Then later that week I will hopefully head to CT to kick it with Katherine. And then, it's the Weekend of Cosby. Julia and I will head to somewhere near Scranton to see Bill Cosby live; there are really no words for our excitement. We have lots of Cosby things in store, so stay tuned. Also coming up: 2020 Soundsystem, MSTRKRFT & Bloody Beetroots (together in 1 night), and Les Claypool. Lots of dancing in the next two months.
June will also be an amazing month because I'll get to see Phish for my phirst time with some of my best phriends. I know that, to some people, Phish touring again means more than anything in the world and they would give up everything just to have tickets in their hand. But I am really glad that for me, it simply means having a lot of fun with people I love, because that is really the greatest thing on earth.
Then about 2 weeks later I head to Portland, OR for 11 days for Katherine's wedding! The flight is booked. The maid of honor dress is in my closet (it's my favorite color and has pockets!! Thank you Katherine!) Lots of awesome things on my calendar.
I feel the depression of winter lifting. It's still freezing in my apt. but I hear birds chirping when I wake up in the morning. Baseball season has begun. I'm starting to feel productive. My friends are happy and making positive changes (new boyfriends, apartments, weddings...). I feel like the new year is really beginning now. We're all wiping toxic things out of our lives and making fresh starts, feeling stronger (harder better faster). Maybe the more LOST we watch, the more we find ourselves? Or maybe I just want a good excuse for watching 8 episodes a day every weekend... either way, things are looking up.
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