Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Thing I Did(n't Do).

This Thing We're Doing, the ambitious project my cousin started to blog 25 days in one month, didn't quite happen for me. I did post 25 times, but I don't think they were all 25 different days. Maybe it still counts? I swear I can attain goals. Sadly (for the project, but not for me), I've been Doing Things instead of Doing That Thing. I know I haven't really been blogging much, but I've been tired and busy and doing fun things and loving that it's almost getting warmer out. I definitely feel spring fever in the air. People are out and about and talking to one another (me) and I like it. Last night at a bar, while waiting for a date, I even got a "so, do you come here often?" which would've been funnier if the guy weren't cute.

This morning I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'm super tired. Otherwise I'd probably have more interesting things to say and maybe have even thought of a good April Fool's joke. But I got nothin. Time to do laundry and dick around until Lost comes on.

Great post, I know. Cut me some slack?

1 comment:

gwen said...

Whatever, you totally lived up to the spirit of That Thing. And it is awesome that you are living your life instead of spending it in front of a computer... I need some tips on that!